SweetFats – Low Capacitance



Perfect for connecting either pedalboard to amp or instrument to board, the SweetFats has one of the lowest capacitance ratings of any silver cable on the market (~17pf/ft) – these state-of-the-art silver cables allow full spectrum, unadulterated tone transfer while maintaining the warmth and musicality of your instrument and gear, even at extremely long lengths. This is the ultimate instrument cable – they are sweet, full and airy with a solid soundstage and enhanced attack and imaging over regular silver cables. This is the end of the road for high end silver cables. Note: The SweetFats Low-Cap is a thick cable & All silent plugs are Neutrik gold-plated plugs, which have a black and red outer casing. .

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The SweetFats Low Capacitance is our flagship cable, with one of the lowest capacitance ratings of any silver cable on the market (~17pf/ft) – these state-of-the-art silver cables allow full spectrum, unadulterated tone transfer while maintaining the warmth and musicality of your instrument and gear, even at extremely long lengths. This is the ultimate instrument cable – they are sweet, full and airy with a solid soundstage and enhanced attack and imaging over regular silver cables. This is the end of the road for high end silver cables. Note: The SweetFats Low-Cap is a thick cable & All silent plugs are Neutrik gold-plated plugs, which have a black and red outer casing.


  • SILVER PLATED ultra pure OFC copper conductor – ~17pf/ft
  • HAND SOLDERED with ultra pure multi-eutectic silver solder
  • AMPHENOL T-series or Neutrik Pro connectors
  • CUT & ABRASION resistant outer sleeving
  • LIFETIME WARRANTY( * Void if Tampered * )
  • HAND MADE in the Lone Star State
  • NANO-INFUSED SOLDER POINTS lowers resistance, reduces oxidation, extends lifespan

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  1. After being so pleased with my Colossal instrument and speaker cables, I just had to try upgrading the wire in my cabinets. I’m fortunate to have two identical 4×12 cabinets so I was able to A/B them at length, one outfitted with the Purist and the other with generic, 14 awg stranded copper wire of unknown origin. Simply put, the Purist speaker harness sounds superior, not just a little better, but superior to my other cabinet. I must note these cabs sounded identical prior to the upgrade & now I can’t wait to get started on the other one. How does it sound superior you ask? Well, the low frequencies extend lower than before, the midrange is smoother/more pleasing and the highs extend higher than before with a pronounced silky sheen that actually improved the cabinet’s projection. The improvements continue with a punchier less compressed feel, slightly more volume and a satisfying increase in that desirable, hard to describe “alive” or “responsive” tactile response that all tone obsessed guitarists crave. The speakers in the upgraded cab sound like improved versions of those in the unchanged cabinet but in reality, all the speakers are identical and the improvement is in the Purist wire. If you’re currently happy with your tone yet wonder if it could be even better, then the Purist speaker harness is for you!

  2. I recently placed a large order (8 cables covering most of the Colossal lineup!) and couldn’t be happier. After reading the various reviews on this site I must absolutely concur with everyone’s findings. These cables are the real deal, so natural sounding and an absolute joy to play through. Before I proceed to the reviews, let me state this: I believe there is more to a cable’s performance than merely it’s capacitance measurements. Many folks out there say only capacitance matters. My own findings tell me otherwise. To give a quick example, I have some Mogami Platinum and George L’s cables in the same lengths. They have almost identical capacitance measurements but couldn’t possibly sound more dissimilar to each other (and to the Colossal cables for that matter). At any rate, I’m just glad that these Colossal cables have elevated my tone to levels that the aforementioned other two brands (and others!) could not.

    Brooklyn – pronounced, aggressive midrange detail while retaining a full, yet very tight fast tracking bottom end and defined high end. Despite this cable’s tight and focused response, there is a certain liquidity to the feel that makes difficult passages a bit easier to execute. As with the other Colossal cables, string separation in heavily distorted chordal high gain scenarios is exceptional.

    SweetFats Mid Cap patch cables – my effects pedals have MORE of an effect with these in line. In fact, each knob on my pedals seems to have a more dramatic influence with these patch cables. The same applies to pedals placed in my amplifier’s FX loop.

    SweetFats Low Cap – Ultra wide bandwidth, high resolution 4-D tone. This is the first cable I’ve tried that has silver as part of its recipe. I can now hear that silver provides the utmost in transparency and frequency extension. But it is not sterile in any way as the highs are very sweet, airy and non-fatiguing, just as the official product description says. The midrange is EXTREMELY open and the low register can be best described as extended, very round and TUBE-Y sounding. Certainly not tubby, but the inherent warm, rounded tube like quality to the low end is just unreal and astonishing.

    Colossus speaker cables – Simply louder, more present and defined than the previous speaker cables of the same (12 AWG) gauge I was using before. Enough of a difference to justify another Colossal purchase in the future…

    As great as these cables sound, there are other advantages as well. I absolutely feel MORE directly connected to the amplifier than ever before. Controllable, harmonic feedback is easier to achieve at lower volumes, unwanted microphonic feedback is reduced and most importantly, as a direct result of all the positive attributes I’ve described above, playing is more FUN and INSPIRATIONAL than ever before. The only thing I’ve heard that sounds better than either a Brooklyn or SweetFats cable is running a Brooklyn and SweetFats at the same time !!! Each cable’s unique properties sit very nicely with the other while using both linked with a single pedal in front of the amp. I’m very much looking forward to purchasing a couple of 4×12 wiring harness kits to fill in that last piece of the tonal puzzle. Then my signal path will be 100% COLOSSAL!!!

    Cheers to David for continuing to offer this exceptional product and for his excellent customer service as well.

  3. David,

    My Collings OM1 sounds great, using an LR Baggs Anthem,
    via the new Low Cap’ Sweet Fats, directly into a Hughes & Kettner Era1.
    Lows and Low Mids are full, not to mention, nice and tight. Mids, High Mids and Highs
    are clean and High Def’, which they need to be.
    Especially Good, Barehanded. Big and Bold. Fully Transparent…and Dead Quiet.

    Thanks again for the speedy repair on the old, original Sweet Fats!

    I’m really looking forward to getting the restored cab back for my ’66 Deluxe Reverb,
    so I can complete the stereo set up with the Fargen Mini Plex II combo, now that I have all my cables….used the Low Cap’ Sweet Fats with the Strats, direct into the Mini Plex yesterday. KILLER Tone! The cable Really stood out using the ’59 Tweed Bassman setting, on the amp’s ‘Decade’ switch, that Ben Fargen modded this spring.
    The Monty Bluesmaster (think ’59 LP) is next. Looks like I’ll need a couple more 12 inch S patches with the next order.
    (Oh, and I’d Luv to hear George’s setup, with the Atomic Space Tone and the Tweed Deluxe)

    Great Product. Quick and Friendly Customer Service.
    Anyone looking and still wondering if you should pull the trigger…Yes. Yes you should!

    All the Best. db

  4. David – thanks for the great cable and truly excellent customer service. I was looking for a cable with less than 20pF/ft. for my bucker guitars, that would not twist itself up every time I move. Colossal’s Sweet Fats Low Cap cable fits what I was seeking perfectly. Sounds fantastic and stays straight & true.

  5. I can’t believe the difference this cable has made to the tone of my bass. There is more low end and clarity than I’ve ever heard from a cable. I was skeptical at first but am a believer now!

  6. I run a vintage strat to a pedal board with compressor, two overdrives, chorus and digital delay to a two amp stereo system – a Swart Atomic Space Tone, and a Alessandro modded tweed Deluxe Reverb left and right The amps are set super clean and I get the blues and singing sustain from the pedals. I had some fairly good cables, I won’t mention the brands, but they were not cheap cables. I plugged in a Sweet Fats cables between my guitar and the pedal board, and the guitar was super clean, transparent and beautiful sounding. Then I purchased a new Sweet Fats low-cap pedal and put it between the guitar and pedal, and the older Sweet Fats between the board and the Swart and the clean transparency and full frequency response was unbelievable. It sounded like Knopfler on Sultans or Jimi on Little Wing (to the extent that I could do what they were doing, anyway, but…). the tone was breathtaking. The cable was a hundred dollar cable, but by my estimation, it was worth many times that. I will be replacing the other cable from the board to the Deluxe Reverb with a SF low-cap ASAP. Get these cables, you will not be sorry.

  7. Thanks for the opportunity to try your cables! First let me say that I was actually impressed! This is not usually the case with most cables that I try. As an amp manufacturer, I’m constantly being given cables to test and usually they’re very good, but all have a sound coloration issue or they can not stand up the rigors of constant use in our shop. This was not the case with yours at all!

    After a few seconds, I was able to clearly recognize clarity and transparency that I find remarkable! My Les Pauls, Strats, Juniors, Gretsches, etc. all sound more distinct and clear. I perceived no coloration of the sound at all. This was quite a relief to my ears. My brain was able to focus much tighter on the harmonics and sound quality of what I was playing. I was very pleased.

    The build quality seems to be top notch. As you know, we abuse the daylights out of the cables in our shop testing amps all day long. We can normally destroy a cable quickly and yours still looks and acts as new. The casing, the sleeve, etc. are all very friendly to guitar player walking around, stepping on the cable and acting like guitar players do. There’s no “memory” in the cable shape so it cooperates completely when we’re playing and I’ve noticed absolutely ZERO microphonics! Job very well done!

    Thanks again for sharing your cable with us and I wish you the best of luck and much success with your product. I believe working players and studio players will instantly see the value in a product of this quality.

    Dan Boul
    Co-Owner (65amps)

  8. I have been a monster rock user for about ten years. In the past year or so I had decided that I would upgrade to some audiophile cable. I had been eyeing the Van Den Hul and Vovox cable available at lavacable.com. I was saving up the money for that cables as it would be a huge investment, the 3 foot speaker cable alone was $150!

    I procrastinated for almost a year buying a new amp, an fx processor a guitar etc… I guess I just couldn’t spend over $1200 on “just cables” which come with little gratification or wow factor.

    I heard about Colossal in my quest among many many others. the price was amazing so I was skeptical to say the least. It was the videos that colossal has posted that convinced me to try them. even a novice could hear a big difference in the tone/clarity in those videos.


    order and entire compliment for my current setup. about $300 worth of cable. I even bought the colossus speaker cable. I play mostly high gain metal but I ordered the Modern classic Instead of the Brooklyn as I prefer to let everything the guitar is making hit the preamp and trim off fizz afterward on the amp.

    I considered swapping out just he speaker cable or plugging directly into the amp and comparing it against my monsters but really wanted to cut to the chase.

    I played my rig as is for about 15 minutes, then shut it down and swapped all of the cables.


    I knew it would sound better but not this much!

    Clarity is increased, more second order harmonics apparent, the guitar tone is so pure now its crazy. Its as if I never really heard my guitar before. More lows, More highs more tone. I am blown away that something this affordable could bring such a drastic, welcomed improvement. Not just different like many cables, but BETTER. damn those monsters sound like s***!

    All of the frequencies sound natural. smooth tight, and crisp all at once.

    It was the most inspiring practice night I have had in ages, I was grinning from ear to ear all night.

    Every member of the band noticed the difference, even the drummer.

    I did change my settings to better suit the cables, I was able to turn the presence down, no longer needing to compensate for the high end loss. the bass got considerably tighter as well, I was able to add just a little more on top of what the cable itself had added, or rather restored without adding mud. very tight!

    Dealing with David was smooth, shipping is priority mail so I only waited two days for them to arrive across 3000 miles. I HATE waiting for new toys!

    The cables are handmade by an artisan. great fit and finish. They lay nicely one the floor without coiling up, are very flexible and have a very cool outer shield that seems very durable.

    The Colossus speaker cable cannot be described faithfully, David needs to throw a quarter next to the pic on his site to illustrate the scale. upon first inspection myself and everyone I have shown it to just laughed. It is so huge it seems comical, until your hear it. Tone as huge as its girth. It is as thick as my damn thumb!

    You owe it to yourself to try these if you haven’t already purchased high end cabling.

    Now I feel the need to hear the Brooklyns also!

    check em out for yourself! And FYI I have no affiliation with David.

    Rick Maldonado

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